Often an administrator will setup a server running XenData Archive Series software and want to experiment with the system before production use. Prior to "going live", it is desirable to restore the system to its initial setup state. The steps necessary to restore the system are described in this technical note.
XenData Archive Series software saves data to both magnetic disk and to tape. The XenData software records all changes to the file system by storing metadata that describes all old file versions and deleted files. This metadata is stored on the magnetic disk logical drive that is under XenData control. Consequently, one of the steps necessary to restore the system is to reformat this magnetic disk logical drive.
The following operations should be performed to restore the system to its initial setup state:
These operations are described in the sections below.
Reformat / Replace Tape Cartridges
Use the XenData Management Console to reformat all rewritable tape cartridges and export any WORM tape cartridges. The quickest reformatting option is "quick erase", but you may chose any reformat operation except "mark as blank".
Reformat the Magnetic Disk Logical Drive
De-activate the drive letter controlled by the XenData Archive Series software using Windows Explorer to open <boot drive>\Program Files\XenData\Archive Series\Drives.msc. Select the drive to be controlled and click "De-activate". Reboot the server.
Launch Windows Explorer and right-click on the drive letter that was under XenData control; select "format" and perform a quick format using the NTFS file system.
Activate the drive letter controlled by the XenData Archive Series software using Windows Explorer to open <boot drive>\Program Files\XenData\Archive Series\Drives.msc. Select the drive to be controlled and click "Activate".
Restore the Volume Sets and File Groups to their Default Settings
Use Windows Explorer to delete the XML file that contains the volume set and file group settings. With Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003, this is located at <boot drive>\WINDOWS\system32\XenDataState.xml. For a Windows 2000 Server, the file is at <boot drive>\WINNT\system32\XenDataState.xml. Following deletion of this file, reboot the server. (On rebooting, the XenDataState.xml file will be recreated with its default settings.)
Clear Event Logs and Diagnostic Logs
Optionally, the XenData Event Logs may be cleared as follows:
Optionally, the XenData diagnostic logs may also be cleared by deleting all files in the directory <boot drive>\XenDataLog\.
The system has now been restored to its initial setup state.
Applicable Operating Systems
Applicable XenData Software
This technical note is applicable to: